
Dr D Bowman
Senior Lecturer, Mediation training
“I have never been on a course that has been as relevant, transformative and memorable. Thank you!”

K Nolan
Preparing for a difficult conversation (as an associate trainer for Smile Mediation)
"One of the best training courses I have attended! It has given me new found confidence and the skills to manage a real life difficult conversations both at work and at home. I would highly recommend it to anyone working with the public. Can't wait for the next course!"

N Chen, Manchester Street Pastors Coordinator
Active Listening Workshop
"The training was very good, the volunteers got a lot out of it and so did I. It made me reflect on a couple of situations that have happened to me recently, so I found it quite helpful personally."

J Rankin
Handling conflict effectively
“Laura has a pleasant demeanour that puts everyone at ease. She’s calm and relaxed and has an ingenious and subtle teaching method that’s incredibly effective. She adapted her course for the target audience and did this with proficient ease. Laura encourages you to express your opinions and give feedback in a safe space. Highly recommended - an enjoyable course!”

J Summerfield
Senior Manager, Mediation training
“Just to say an enormous thank you for your course - myself and all the delegates have not stopped raving about it.”

Sharon Livesey
Team profiling to improve wellbeing at work
“A brilliant training session which helped in self-awareness and understanding my impact on others. I have learned more about my strengths and how to communicate better."

N. Game-Blackmoor
Staff Support and Counselling service, NHS Trust
“An excellent course! Superbly facilitated and run. A great balance of practical skills, theory and interaction. I would recommend it to anyone. Thank you Laura for your knowledge, warmth and sincerity.”

HR Director of a large charity
Charity Sector
"Relief! I found the whole experience of mediation very helpful. It was much preferable to an expensive court case and it achieved a positive outcome for everyone involved.”

Workplace mediation
"Since our mediation session we’re working better together and things are different. It’s led to a more positive way of communicating and I’m getting more respect.
I was hesitant to do mediation as I really don’t like confrontation….[but] it has made things so much better. I would definitely recommend it to others."

Mediation client in HE sector
HE Sector
“It was really useful. The most useful thing was that we were on an equal footing and I felt I could raise issues without feeling threatened. I have said to others that I would recommend anyone having issues to go to mediation.”

Workplace mediation client
"I've employed Laura as a mediator for some workplace disputes and I’d highly recommend her. I was very pleased because it improved working relationships and enabled those involved to move on.

Couples’ mediation client
Mediation client
“Thanks so much Laura. It’s really helped me to understand where he is coming from and has been so insightful. I think we’re both making more effort now.”

Mike Wild
Chief Executive at MACC
"Laura is a highly skilled facilitator of difficult conversations. She is adept at creating the right solution for a situation, acting with integrity and clear values. As an employer, it has been very helpful to know that I can contact Laura for a discussion if independent facilitation is a potentially useful way forward. I'd have no hesitation in engaging her again."

Revd Dr Nick Bundock
St James and Emmanuel Church, Manchester Facilitation of strategic planning day for church leadership team
“Thank you for the incredible level of support and professionalism you showed yesterday. Everyone thinks you’re lovely and I have to say you handled the day wonderfully.”

B. Oxton
Headteacher, Cheetwood Primary School
“The training and support received from Laura went beyond all expectations. The peer mediation scheme has been a very valuable investment and we were very impressed at the skills of Laura as a trainer. I would wholeheartedly recommend Peacebuilders.”

Acting Headteacher, Cherry Fold Primary School
“Peer Mediators are taking their role seriously and enjoying helping others. Children are listening to each other respectfully and appreciating help from their peers. It has also helped to create a calmer atmosphere in class too.”

Sam Williams
Deputy Head teacher, Ashbury Meadow Primary School
“You could see it was starting to make a difference because the children realised they were role models … there are less incidents in the playground and the buddies say that there is less fighting.”